Drought drains Lake Tefé, Brazil
This image from Copernicus Sentinel 2, taken on September 24, 2024, shows the severe effects of an unprecedented drought on Lake Tefé in northwestern Brazil. The once expansive lake appears largely drained, exposing vast areas of dry land. The city of Tefé, located on the Solimões River, a major tributary of the Amazon, is also visible in the image.
In 2024, the Amazon Basin is experiencing one of the most severe droughts in recent history, affecting communities in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. This extreme water shortage has led to record-low river levels across the region, prompting authorities to declare states of emergency. The drought has also exacerbated forest fires in Brazil, where smoke has affected air quality.
Credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery
fOCUS Amazônia

Diário de um leito que seca
Diario de un lecho que se seca
Diary of a drying riverbed
Photos © Raphael Alves
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